Surya Graha Jaap: Surya Devaru or Sun is the God of Knowledge and excellence, also known as Suryanarayan, is the kindest among all planets. It is mandatory to perform this Jaap when the sun is malefic or located in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or the 12th house of the horoscope to bring happy times in our life and lead a healthy life.
Surya Graha Jaap is performed by invoking Surya Devaru and chanting mantras for Surya to please the Graha and the Jaap is performed as per the Shastras.
When to Perform Surya Graha Jaap?
- Surya Graha Jaap is most suited on Sundays.
- Can also schedule the Jaap date as per the Janma Nakshatra of a person.
Benefits of Surya Graha Jaap:
- It bestows a person with wisdom, financial prosperity, overall spiritual and material development.
- It helps a person to accomplish good health, wealth, courage, and success by performing this Jaap.
- This Jaap assists a person to get rid of all the malefic effects of Surya’s planet and brings in all the positive results of the planet.
Surya Graha Vaidik Mantra:
ऊँ आ कृष्णेन रजसा वर्तमानो निवेशायन्नमृतं मर्त्यं च।
हिरणययेन सविता रथेना देवो याति भुवनानि पश्यन् ॥
Om ā kṛṣṇena rajasā vartamāno niveśāyannamṛtaṁ martyaṁ ca|
hiraṇayayena savitā rathenā devo yāti bhuvanāni paśyan ||
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