Vinayagar Chaturthi is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. This festival comes every year on the 4th day of Shukla Paksha or ValarPirai in the month of Bhadrapada. This festival is celebrated for 10 days and ends on Ananth Chaturdashi day.
In 2024, Vinayagar Chaturthi is on 7th September and Anant Chaturdashi is on 17th September.
On this day, a beautiful Vigraham of Lord Vinayagar is installed in the house or at a public place and Pranaprathistha (Life-giving force) is done, followed by Sodashaupachara (Sodasha means 16 types and Upachara means welcoming)pooja.
When to Perform Vinayagar Chaturthi Pooja?
In 2024, Vinayagar Chaturthi is on 7th September. This pooja can be performed starting from Brahma Muhurtham.
Benefits of Vinayagar Chaturthi Pooja:
- This pooja bestows one with intelligence and wisdom.
- Removes and helps to overcome obstacles and hurdles that a person faces in life.
- Ensures to get good fortune, harmony, and prosperity in the family.
Book Vadhyar for Vinayagar Chaturthi Pooja. Vadhyar will bring all the Pooja Samagri(items). All the Vadhyars are well experienced and studied from Vedic Pathasala.